Hearts of iron 4 doctrines
Hearts of iron 4 doctrines

hearts of iron 4 doctrines

Mass Assault: The default doctrine for the USSR and China. The split offers the choice between increased offensive potential and steadily improving all unit types with the Assault path, or focusing heavily on Infantry with the more frontloaded Infiltration path. It is a bit weak on the offence to begin with, but has some defensive bonuses. This doctrine path gives you larger planning bonuses and boosts Infantry and Artillery.

hearts of iron 4 doctrines

Grand Battleplan: This could be thought of as the traditional doctrine path, and is the default choice for Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. The second split will let you pick between Airland battle (for increased cooperation with the air force for combat support) or Shock and Awe (which keeps the majority of your focus on ground-based firepower). The first split offers the choice between adding more support units to each division, or focusing on independently deployed support brigades. This doctrine focuses on big, well-equipped, but expensive divisions and gains a bonus when fighting in areas with friendly air superiority. Superior Firepower: This is the American default path.

hearts of iron 4 doctrines

And yes, we know Blitzkrieg wasn't a formal doctrine, but the mishmash of innovations and new techniques that the Germans used is popularly known as such, so we roll with it. The second split offers the choice between switching over to a defensive posture (maximizing Manpower gains) as Germany historically did, or continuing to develop offensive mobile doctrines. While Mobile Infantry isn't as effective in combat, it is cheaper and can be used in greater numbers, so it could be an alternate strategy for Germany, or be used by a less industrially powerful nation. The first branching in this tree allows you to choose between Mobile Infantry or Armour as your main focus. This path is somewhat frontloaded with early bonuses. It also reduces the planning time needed before you can launch an attack.

hearts of iron 4 doctrines

Armour and motorized/mechanized units will have the largest gains in this path. Mobile Warfare: This path focuses on mobile mechanized units and is the default German path.

Hearts of iron 4 doctrines